Baby names

Before being pregnant, I always thought how cool it would be to experience naming a baby. Fast forward to the present, I must say, baby naming can be pretty exhausting! Not that I'm complaining, but the choices are a plenty! And with me who's always having difficulty making big decisions, this one is certainly tough.

There are a couple of names that I like, but alas, they're already taken - either a friend's name, or a friend's baby's name. Then there are names which I like, but hubs doesn't, or vice versa. Or names that doesn't sound nice when put together with the last name (family name). Or names that mean something else when saying it in a different language/dialect. Or names which may be difficult to pronounce by certain groups of people.

I guess the weight is really upon us as parent to choose the correct name for our children. After all, it'll stay with them for years to come, and if we happen to choose a wrong name, we're doomed! :p

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