My experience with virgin coconut oil

I was down with sore throat, flu and cough last week. Typically, I'll get a sore throat, followed by fever, then flu and finally cough. My cough can usually last up to 2 weeks, even with cough syrup.

A friend of mine introduced coconut oil to boost my immune system and advice me to try and avoid taking the usual medicine for flu and cough. So I bought myself a bottle of virgin coconut oil from BMS Organic shop. It was selling at RM56+ for a 750ml bottle. At that time, my sore throat was almost gone, and I starting to have flu already.

I took a tablespoon of coconut oil, three times a day, and popped in vitamin C tablet as well. The next few days, I still had flu and started coughing a little, but that was it. It seemed to be 'under control'. By the third day of taking coconut oil, the flu and cough was gone. Yay!!! And that was without taking any antibiotics, flu or cough medicine.

I googgled about coconut oil and discovered the below:

Coconut oil is an anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it contains the second highest source of  lauric acid, with the first being breast milk. Coconut oil provides pregnant moms with a vital combination of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins that are so good for their babies, which is why infant formula usually contains coconut oil.

“Coconut oil contains large amounts of lauric acid, a powerful anti-microbial fatty acid that protects the immune system of the fetus and newborn. Pregnant and nursing mothers should eat coconut oil to increase the quality of the womb environment and breast milk”    - Dr. Claudia Pillow

So I guess I'll be taking coconut oil from now on. :)

Additional good reads:

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