32 weeks and with placenta previa

My gynae had been mentioning that I had low placenta since the last few checkups, but with some hope that it will move up as the pregnancy progresses. However, I had a checkup last week (32 week), and it still has not move up. He mentioned a condition called placenta previa.

From Babycenter:

If the placenta is still lying low in your uterus after you are 20 weeks pregnant, it is called placenta praevia. Even at this stage, the placenta may still move up in time for your baby to be born. By the end of pregnancy, about one in 200 women has placenta praevia to some degree. Most of these are minor cases. 

If the placenta covers your cervix at the end of your pregnancy, your baby's exit route through your vagina will be blocked. The placenta may be partly covering your cervix (partial placenta praevia) or completely covering it (major placenta praevia). See our images, below. Either way, your baby will need to be born by caesarean section.

source: http://www.babycenter.com.my/a830/placenta-praevia#ixzz2NDalZJ9k\

Apparently, there's also a tendency for early bleeding due to contractions - thus early delivery. Hubs and I are really praying that our lil girl will stay inside till at least week 37. I'm mentally preparing myself for a c-section now and reading up more about it. Hopefully, I won't lose too much blood as well when the placenta detaches itself from the uterus - as I read, this may happen as well for placenta previa cases.

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