Eating papaya to help with constipation

I started experiencing slight constipation during my 14th week of pregnancy. It took a little longer than usual, although I was still able to 'do it' every day. I was worried things may go out of hand, so I was determined to keep constipation at bay.

The one thing I found most efficient in getting my bowel movements 'smoother' was papaya. I really love this fruit. Just one big slice of papaya, and the next day, wooooosh, everything comes out much easily. I never knew papaya to have laxative effects! According to google, papaya contains the natural digestive enzyme papain which supports digestive health. The vitamins, fiber and water content also helps to maintain a healthy colon.

Since I was not able to buy papaya everyday, my second best solution was to drink more water. I've had trouble drinking too much water earlier on due to my morning sickness. Before pregnancy, I've always been drinking lots of water. I think I usually drink 3-4 liters of water everyday, but it probably dropped to 1-2 liters during my first trimester. My lips cracked the whole time during my first trimester, and I had occasional nose bleeds, which my doc said was due to dehydration.  However, I started drinking like a camel the moment my morning sickness was gone, and toilet visits were also much smoother.

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