Planning a special holiday - a babymoon!

Babymoon holiday beach gateaway phuket

After weeks of being 'stuck at home' due to my morning sickness, I'm longing to go out. A gateaway, more like it. A pre-baby holiday, for hubs and I to enjoy the company of just the two of us, before our new addition comes into play. Hubs and I were actually planning a trip to Japan early next year, until we found out I was expecting.

So a baby-moon would be lovely. It may happen or it may not, seeing that I still haven't fully regain the so-called '2nd trimester feel good energy', but there's no harm planning rite?

Some places I've thought of:

Pulau Redang - have been wanting to go back Redang, since the last time I went was many many years ago. But will have to scrap that, since it's the monsoon season now, and going to the east coast would be out of the question

Next best local island option: Pangkor. Perhaps trying out the oh-so-extremely-overpriced Pangkor Island Resort

Back to nature relaxation: Tanah Aina, AwanMulan

Krabi, Bali

...hmmm, where else..

I'm so so looking forward to this ultimate preggo indulgence, to be pampered, to rest and relax, before sleep deprivation and midnight feedings become the norm.

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