Anti-nausea wrist band

Sea-band anti-nausea wrist band

My sister recommended me to try Sea-band, which is basically an anti nausea wrist band, to help with my nausea. She herself uses it to help with her motion sickness, and it has helped her a great deal.

It's basically a wrist band, with a small ball on the inner side of the band. The ball needs to be positioned on a particular acupressure point called "pericardium 6" (p6), which is known in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve nausea.

Sea-band anti-nausea wrist bandA better explanation by Sea-band:
"Sea-Band is a knitted elasticated wrist band, which operates by applying pressure on the Nei Kuan acupressure point on each wrist by means of a plastic stud. Place your middle three fingers on the inside of your wrist with the edge of the third finger on the wrist crease. The Nei-Kuan point is just under the edge of your index finger between the two central tendons." For them to work, you have to wear a band on each wrist.

As my sister had a spare, she gave it to me to try. I later found a Malaysian blog shop selling it, and bought a pair for myself for RM35. Initially, it seemed to help. But after wearing it for several days, I realized that it didn't really help me that much. It has been reported to work on some people, but perhaps just not everyone.

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