Rice versus bread - keeping hunger pangs at bay

Rice wholemeal breadI love bread. I love the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven in the morning. I love walking past bakeries and am almost, always, tempted to walk in and buy the whole store. I will gladly choose bread over rice most of the time. Which is why not being able to eat bread during my first trimester had been difficult.

On good days (when I'm not experiencing indigestion or heartburn), I'll be hungry most of the time. And eating bread, no matter how much, just wasn't enough to keep me full. As a result, and I'm left feeling dizzy due to the hunger pangs.

I had to then turn to rice, brown rice specifically. That managed to keep the hunger at bay. I ate rice throughout the day, every meal, even breakfast. There were days when I got really tired of rice, but I had no choice, I had to eat it anyway.

The reason for this is quite simple. Rice, especially brown rice is complex carbs, whereas bread, is processed food, containing simple carbs. Complex carbs are processed by the body at a slower rate, thus providing a longer lasting energy. By contrast, simple carbs provide the body with a sudden surge or energy, but the blood sugar dips quickly, and I'm left hungry again.

So for now, rice it is. Oh double cheese burger, how I miss thee!

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