The hurdles of the first trimester

My first trimester hit me like a tornado. It was quite overwhelming considering this was my first pregnancy. I certainly had not expected it to be that difficult.

The symptoms started somewhere in mid week 5. I'm now almost towards the end of week 11, and it still has not fully gone yet. I am nauseated and dizzy throughout the whole day. My appetite went down the drain and being hungry all the time makes it worse. I get heartburn frequently, especially towards late afternoon and night. Sleeping is difficult due to the frequent heartburn, bloatedness and nasal congestion. I'm put off by the smell of certain food, including cooking oil, so cooking at home was a no-no. The only thing I want to do most of the time is sleep.

Working was difficult as well. Luckily, I was able to work from home until I was 'fit' enough to go back to office.

Hubs was pretty supportive throughout the whole period. He did all the cleaning and washing! The only unfortunate thing was he doesn't cook much. And that's where my parents came in. I stayed with them for a couple of weeks, just so that I could have home-cooked meals. Eating out was a no-no, as the food was mostly too greasy for me.

All in all, my first trimester had consisted of the longest weeks of my life. Hopefully things get better soon *cross fingers*

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